Exams and Eye Health
Comprehensive Eye Care for Your Whole Family
By routinely having your eyes examined, you can prevent future diseases and vision loss. Whether you have vision problems or not, it is recommended that you receive an annual examination to check for disease and catch vision deterioration before it becomes a major problem.
A comprehensive eye exam allows the doctor to examine the patient’s retina, eye muscle movements, pupils, eye motility and eye turns. He looks at your entire eye in detail from front to back, looking for signs of glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.
Protect Your Child’s Vision
Children with uncorrected vision conditions or eye health problems face many barriers in life… academically, socially and athletically. High-quality eye care can break down these barriers and help enable your children to reach their highest potential.
Vision doesn’t just happen. A child’s brain learns how to use eyes to see, just like it learns how to use legs to walk or a mouth to form words. The longer a vision problem goes undiagnosed and untreated, the more a child’s brain learns to accommodate the vision problem. That’s why a comprehensive eye examination is so important for children.
Early detection and treatment provide the very best opportunity to correct vision problems, so your child can learn to see clearly. Make sure your child has the best possible tools to learn successfully.
It is recommended that every child have an eye exam by age 3.